CSGO Commands Guide

Solid knowledge of the CS:GO commands allow you to customize the player model, modify the mini-map, control bot functions, add extra information to the screen, and many other functionalities. Read on to discover the categories of commands available on CS:GO.

Solid knowledge of the CS:GO commands allow you to customize the player model, modify the mini-map, control bot functions, add extra information to the screen, and many other functionalities. Read on to discover the categories of commands available on CS:GO.

Understanding CSGO Commands – All Categories

When you do not have the right commands, the CS:GO gameplay experience is limited. This guide lets you pick the most important categories for your personal needs and memorize specific commands.

If necessary, you make a handlist with commands you cannot necessarily memorize. Remember that entering the commands requires enabling the game’s developer console. 

After activating the developer console, bind it to a specific key to facilitate the process to enter the commands. Here’s an overview of all categories of CS:GO commands:

FOV and Viewmodel Commands

You can use an elementary category of commands to change the player’s field of view (FOV) and view model. If you need to modify the way you see your gun or hands, you must use these commands.

For example, you can use the “cl_righthand [0 / 1]” command to switch weapon hands from right to left side and vice-versa.

Input Commands

This is a resourceful category of commands, as it allows you to automatically trigger an input action with a simple stroke of a key, mouse scroll, or similar device.

For example, you can use the “+zoom” command to scope in your AWP rifle or Scout SSG 08 with a single keystroke and hit a target with a precise shot to the head at distance.

Bot Commands

Playing with bots is excellent for drilling sessions or simply having some fun after a busy day of work. This group of commands allows you to manipulate bots in different ways, such as adding more of them, kicking some of them, making them stay at spawn, or changing the difficulty level.

Chat Commands

If you need to modify the text chat box on CS:GO, this category has all the necessary commands. Plus, you can also bind messages to specific keys and automatically send them to your teammates with extreme ease during a match.

Joystick & Controller Commands 

Most people use the classic mouse and keyboard combination to play CS:GO, which makes this category a forgotten one. However, you can use certain commands to customize your joystick/controller experience on CS:GO.

Crosshair Commands

The cross-hair is one of the most important elements on CS:GO, as your marksmanship and shooting accuracy depends a lot on this factor. An entire category of commands is dedicated solely to the player’s cross-hair, allowing them to adjust it by size, color, or other characteristics.

HUD Commands

The acronym “HUB” stands for heads-up display. This category allows you to use different commands to modify and customize your HUD settings, especially the color and size. 

Mouse Commands

No pro-level CS:GO competitor ever took these commands for granted. Make your gameplay a lot more personal by adjusting mouse sensitivity, enabling/disabling mouse acceleration, and any other mouse-related settings.

Radar Commands

In combat, there are few things more important than proper navigation skills. This category is exclusively focused on radar-related commands, such as the possibility to expand the broadness of the radar, how it interacts with the map, etc.

Voice Commands

This category of console commands encompasses all-voice-related commands of CS:GO. For example, you can lower the volume of a player’s voice, mute a teammate’s annoying voice, and other similar possibilities.

Demo and Overwatch Commands

This category is a bit too specific, as you can only use these console commands while watching demos or reviewing evidence from Overwatch. For example, you can use the command “demoui” to play, pause, skip rounds, rewind, or fast forward demos and overwatch content.

Radio Commands

If you want superior communication with your teammates during competitive CS:GO matches, you need to be fluent in this category of console commands. With simple key binds, you can send instant radio messages to your brothers in arms.

For example, use the “enemy down” command to activate a radio command that immediately notifies your teammates with both voice and written chat messages when an enemy is down.

Danger Zone Commands

This category of console commands only includes specific commands use on CS:GO Danger zone, a battle royale game mode appreciated by many players.

CSGO Commands Summary

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has a total of 3057 console commands that players can use in their own favor. Knowing how to use the console commands properly is one of the elements that differentiates the “average Joes” from pro-level competitors.

Make sure to pick your favorite codes, write them down on a list, memorize the crucial ones, and keep the other close enough for when you need them.